
3 Strategic Ways To Evaluate Your Building Automation System Platform

3 Strategic Ways To Evaluate Your Building Automation System Platform

Buildings are becoming increasingly complex and the reliance on building automation systems (also known as BAS systems) has never been greater. Without proper upkeep, outdated BAS systems can result in higher energy costs and system failure. The risks are enormous, but there are ways to evaluate and mitigate the potential hazards. 

In this article, we’ll explore three strategic ways to evaluate your building automation system platform and avoid risks that come with outdated equipment.

Is Upgrading Your BAS System Worth It?

In short: yes. While it’s true that outdated building automation systems pose risks to commercial facilities, some might argue that the cost of upgrading or replacing the system may not be worth it. The initial expense and disruption to the facility might make it seem like it’s not worth the investment. However, the potential risks and costs of downtime and higher energy bills could ultimately outweigh the cost of upgrading the system. It’s important to consider the long-term benefits and potential cost savings when evaluating the need for a BAS upgrade or replacement.

Get a custom quote on your BAS system and maximize building operation efficiency. 

Overview During Equipment Replacements Or Upgrades

The first strategy is to take an overview during equipment replacements or upgrades. When equipment is replaced, it’s important to review the entire system to see if additional controls or sensors can be added to increase efficiency or solve future problems. This is an opportunity to assess the entire system and determine if the current BAS can handle future needs, which can save money in the long run.

Be Aware of Equipment Obsolescence

The second strategy is to be aware of equipment obsolescence. Like VHS tapes, BAS equipment can become obsolete over time. Outdated equipment poses a threat to your business and can cause downtime if equipment breaks down. It’s important to keep your system up-to-date to ensure efficient operation and avoid system failures. Consulting with a BAS specialist about equipment and systems can provide insight into when upgrades or replacements may be necessary.

Replace Your Building Automated System In Phases

The third strategy is to replace your building automation system in phases. Rather than replacing everything at once, phasing an upgrade or replacement is a strategic way to stay ahead of issues with your BAS system. It helps reduce financial impact, allowing you to space out the burden over the course of years. Replacing systems one by one throughout your facility can provide a more accurate budget and capital requirement analysis.

Partner With Moore’s For Efficient And Cost-Effective Building Automation Solutions

Building automation systems are the control center for any commercial facility. Outdated or malfunctioning BAS systems can result in higher energy costs and system failure, resulting in downtime and other complications. To mitigate the risks, it’s important to evaluate your building automation system platform regularly. By taking an overview during equipment replacements or upgrades, being aware of equipment obsolescence, and replacing your building automation system in phases, you can avoid the risks that come with outdated equipment. Moore’s Electric is here to help with your BAS needs. Contact us today for an assessment!
